Optics Unit: Student Checklist
Upcoming Assessments:
Upcoming Tests:
Topic 1: Production & Properties of Light (May 1 & 8)
Guiding Questions:
- What is the key characteristic of each main method of light production?
- What is a pro/con for each method of light emission?
- Give examples of uses for the various portions of the electromagnetic spectrum?
- How are wavelengths and energy levels related?
Note Template
Required Activities
- Properties of Light & Electromagnetic Spectrum Activities - (In Class) - Production of Light Activities - (In Class) |
Extra Practice
- CK -12 quiz - light “quiz” (skip #9&10) (ANS) - flashcard quiz - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p. 476 #1-11 (ANS) - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.469 # 4, 6-9 (ANS) |
Additional Interesting Information
Topic 2: Reflection - Plane Mirrors (May 2, 3, 6)
Guiding Questions:
- What does the law of reflection state?
- What is the difference between diffuse & specular reflection?
- What are the SALT characteristics of images in plane mirrors?
Note Template
Required Activities
- Reflection Textbook Lab Activities - Ray Model of Light & Reflection Worksheet Choice Activities - - Laser Maze Board Game (pictures of at least 5 complete puzzles with name visible) OR - Laser Maze App (min 4 levels, not introductions, screen shots as proof) |
Extra Practice - Quizlet - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p. 506 #3-4, 7, 11, 12 (ANS) - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p. 507 # 15-17 (ANS) - Summary Quiz (flash required) |
Additional Interesting Information
Topic 3: Reflection - Curved Mirrors (May 9, 10, 13, 14)
Guiding Questions:
- How can the curved mirror equation be used to predict the characteristics of an image?
- What are the rules when drawing a ray diagram for a curved mirror (concave and convex)?
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Required Activities
Extra Practice
- Quizlet - Mirror Practice Problems (pick any 2) (ANS) - Name That Image Game - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.506 #10, 13, 18-19 (ANS) - Mirror Equation Practice Questions - Summary Quiz (flash required) - Name that Image (flash required) |
Additional Interesting Information
- Concave Mirror Ray Diagram Drawing
- Mirror Ray Diagrams - Why Am I upside Down in My Spoon? - GIZMO - Ray Tracing Mirrors (uses sosi = f^2) |
Curved Mirror Lab: Tuesday May 14
Topic 4: Refraction (May 15, 16, 17, 22)
Guiding Questions:
- How does density of a medium affect the velocity of light?
- How does the density of a medium affect refraction?
- Why does total internal reflection occur?
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Extra Practice
- Quizlet - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p. 519 #1-4 (ANS) - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.531 #1-3, 5, 8-9 (ANS) - CK-12 Quiz - Refraction Quiz - Another Refraction Quiz - Refraction Practice Questions - More Refraction Questions (ANS) |
Additional Interesting Information
Mini-LAB: Prism Challenge- Wednesday May 22
Topic 5: Lenses (May 23, 24, 27, 28)
Guiding Questions:
- Predict characteristics of images based on the object location in lenses.
- How can the thin lens equation be used to predict the characteristics of an image?
- What happens to light rays in concave and convex lenses?
Note Template
Extra Practice
- Quizlet - Ray Tracing Lenses Gizmo & Activity & follow up questions - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.566 #1-3 (ANS) Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.566 #4-5 (ANS) - Science Perspectives 10 textbook p.566 # 6-8 (ANS) - Extra practice fill in blank (skip "power" questions) |
Extra Practice